NL 国际留学生 International Graduate
- 申请人需持有联邦移民局颁发的毕业工签(Post- Graduation work permit),在申请时工签有效期需4个月以上;
- 有一份全职的工作offer
- 工作职业需在联邦职业分类 NOC 0/A/B三类中,如果是NOC C类职业,职业需在NS省紧缺职业名单中;
- offer周期最短为一年,同时预期可延续;
- 不能为外包合同职位或者临时职位;
- 薪酬以定期薪水或小时制公司发放,不认可佣金制;
- 工资及薪酬福利应满足NL省规范,并达到平均标准;
- 年龄再21到59岁之间;
- 有定居NL省的真实意愿;
- 证明移民初期有足够在NL省安家的资金;
- 如果offer职业是 NOC C类,语言成绩需达到CLB 4;
- 如果是在NL省外大学毕业,需在NL省积累1年的工作经验,同时所学专业要与工作offer相关;
- 如果申请人在雇主企业中拥有所有权,那么申请人的股权比例不得超过10%;
NOC C类紧缺职业名单
In-demand Health Care sector occupations for public and private healthcare providers:
- Physician
- Family Medicine; Psychiatry; Pathology; General Internal Medicine; Radiology; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Anesthesia; Pediatric Intensivists (PICU); Neonatologists (NICU); Pathology (Hemopathology)
- Nurse Practitioner (NP)
- Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
- Personal Care Attendant (PCA)
- Clinical Psychologist
- Medical Physicist
- Radiation Therapist
- Dosimetrist
In-demand Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector occupations:
Engineers and Developers
- Software Developer
- Biomedical Engineer
- UI/UX Developer
- Electrical Engineer
- AI Developer
- Mechanical Engineer
- Python Developer
- Web Developer
- .NET Developer
- Infrastructure Engineer
Technical Specialists
- Security Specialist
- Cloud Specialist
- Bioinformatician
- Computer Network Support
- Research Associate
- Data Analytics
- Offshore Technician
- ROV Operator
- Ocean Mapping Specialist
- Technical Writer
In-demand aquaculture sector occupations:
- Captain (FM4 certification required)
- Farming and Feeding Manager
- Facility Technician
- Assistant Manager
- Cage Site Technician
- Site Manager (with water quality expertise)
- Area Manager