BC入门和半熟练工人 - Entry Level and Semi-Skilled
此项目是专门为BC省旅游酒店、长途运输和食品加工从业者而设的省提名移民项目。申请者职业代码NOC TEER 4或5类,需在申请前在BC省的相关职业有过9个月以上的工作经验,或者有BC省雇主提供的工作offer,语言要求CLB 4以上。
准入要求 - BC省工作经验
申请人需在BC省有连续9个月的入门或版熟练工人工作经验,工作需为全职(每周30小时)。在积累9个月符合要求的NOC TEER 4或5类职业经验后,如果申请人在同类型的职业中得到升职,职业代码提升也是被认可的。
- 工作offer需为全职,永久性或无期限工作offer;
- offer中需包含工作职位和职责、标准工作时间(每周工作30小时以上)、固定薪资、其他额外薪酬福利;
- 工作offer必须要以公司抬头纸呈现;
- 固定工资需在BC省相关职业的合理范围之内,过高或过低都需合理解释;
- 奖金、佣金、小费、加班工资、房屋紧贴等福利不被认可为固定工资;
- 必须保持雇主和员工的稳定雇佣关系,临时工、合同工、短期工都不被BC技术移民所认可;
- 如果之前持有LMIA批文,实际工资不能低于LMIA批文中规定的工资数;
准入要求 - 学历
- 申请人需高中毕业,如在加拿大之外的国家毕业,需提供英文翻译版的文凭、证书、学位或成绩单;
- 长途货车司机需在之前九个月中拥有BC省颁发的class 1 驾驶执照和气体制动认可;同时如工作有其他牌照要求也应具备(如运送危险物品的牌照)
准入要求 - 职业代码
Occupations in travel and accommodation
- 64314 Hotel front desk clerks
Tour and recreational guides and casino occupations
- 64320 Tour and travel guides
- 64322 Outdoor sport and recreational guides
- 64321 Casino workers
Occupations in food and beverage service
- 64300 Maîtres d’hotel and hosts/hostesses
- 64301 Bartenders
- 65200 Food and beverage servers
- 65201 Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations
Cleaners (employed directly by hotels/resorts*)
- 65310 Light duty cleaners
- 65311 Specialized cleaners
- 65312 Janitors, caretakers and heavy-duty cleaners
- 65210 Support occupations in accommodation, travel and facilities set-up services
Other service occupations (employed directly by hotels/resorts*)
- 65320 Dry cleaning, laundry and related occupations
- 65329 Other service support occupations
Food processing
- 94140 Process control and machine operators, food and beverage processing
- 94141 Industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers
- 94142 Fish and seafood plant workers
- 94143 Testers and graders, food and beverage processing
- 95106 Labourers in food and beverage processing
- 94142 Fish and seafood plant workers
准入要求 - 语言
- 听说读写四门均需达到加拿大语言标准 CLB 4
- 语言成绩有效期2年